June 12, 2019

Tournament welcomes Mr. Justin Smith as the new Tournament Indoor Association Director.  Justin joins our Tournament administrative team, offering a wealth of knowledge educationally and administratively, as he has held numerous supervisory positions and leadership roles within Tournament of Bands and Tournament Indoor Association.  Welcome, Justin!

Justin’s official email:  tiadirector@njatob.org

Note:  Agenda items will be collected later this summer for the scheduled TIA Coordinators Meeting at Lehigh Valley Conference Center, Bethlehem, Pennsylvania, on Sunday, August 4.  (As per 2018 TIA and 2019 TOB Rules Congress votes, there is no TIA Rules Congress scheduled for 2019.)

Tournament thanks Donna Stout for her 17 years of service as Tournament Indoor Association Director.  Donna guided TIA and member units through numerous changes during nearly two decades of leadership.  From the initiation of new competitive levels in TIA and the introduction of our WINDI system, to leading the TOB All-Star Auxiliary for 10 years, Donna has been a key figure in the growth of many Tournament activities.  Thank you, Donna!